Get Certified

We Certify Vegetarian, Vegan, Plant-Based, and Animal-Free products and food.

Supporting consumers with trusted ingredient assurance.

Trusted by Major Brands

The Recognized Standard of Vegetarian/Vegan Assurance®

Multiple Certifications


Free of animal-sourced ingredients and processing where the animal is killed or harmed. 


Free of any animal-sourced ingredients and processing. No animal-derived genes.


Contains majority of plant-based ingredients. Free of animal-sourced ingredients and processing. 


Free of animal-sourced ingredients and processing. Ingredients may be derived from animal genes but free of any animal production. 


Certifies a product meets Vegetarian, Vegan, Plant-Based, or Animal-Free standards. 

Decisions made simple.

Consumers can shop with confidence knowing that specific guidelines for each Certification have been followed. Seeing the AVA Certification Logo on a label makes consumer decisions quicker and simpler. 

Simple + Efficient Process

Step 1

 Complete the application. An AVA team member will email you to confirm your quote and provide instructions to submit payment and product information.

Step 2

We receive your payment, ingredient list, product label, and sample. AVA Certification review takes 5-7 business days after receiving all requirements. We reach out if we need any additional information. 

Step 3

We approve your product(s) with a Certificate and Certification Logo for your product. We are here to support and will provide the option for renewal in one year. 

Begin the certification process today

Not sure what Certification works best for you? 

We’re here to help.